The Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy (ZID) conducted a one – day Accelerated Capacity Development Mentorship Training in Diplomacy and Protocol course for Charles Prince Airport on 22 September at Crown Plaza conference center in Harare. The Workshop was a preparatory platform, as the Airport Companies of Zimbabwe gears itself towards a Common Customer Service Standard System. The training imbued participants with apt Diplomatic Social Protocol, International Business Etiquettes, Professional Grooming, Deportment and Dressing guidelines as well as Professional and Personal Branding. Essence for improved Diplomacy, Business Etiquettes Social Protocol excellence was meant to gear the Airport frontliners with an expanded scope for Professionalism techniques so as to fulfill the Government of Zimbabwe’s is open for Business mantra in the National Development Strategy phase one
The workshop is one of the Zimbabwe Institute of Diplomacy Capacity Development programs for governments, Corporates and private companies in a diverse world of Diplomacy and Protocol Dynamism. The Institute offered three scholarships to three participants at the end of the workshop. Mr. V.A. Chikanda, a Diplomacy, Protocol and Grooming academic facilitated the workshop.